
Doctoral Research Programme at ECAM LaSalle

ECAM LaSalle is associated with the MEGA de Lyon school. The LabECAM is one of the research laboratories associated to MEGA de Lyon and hosts students with a degree equivalent to a Master’s degree. A doctorate is a professional research program.

This programme offered through doctoral schools, allow students to obtain a doctorate after defending a doctoral dissertation at MEGA de Lyon. A doctorate lasts 36 months on average in France.


Admissions depend on the year of application, but generally:

  • Admissions to MEGA de Lyon is open to students with a Master’s degree who have taken advanced scientific courses and have had training in research. Student’s with a research Master’s fulfill this requirement
  • If the student does not have a research Master’s, MEGA de Lyon can require that the student take Master’s-level research classes during the first year of the doctorate. Advancing to the second year of the doctorate will be dependent on passing these classes.


When enrolling for the first time, doctoral students must give a description of their: Dissertation subject, Master’s thesis subject, Résumé, Proof of finances and Academic transcripts.

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Enrolling in a doctorate program is only possible if the student has proof of financial resources (equivalent to French minimum wage). Most doctoral students supervised by LabECAM work in collaboration with a partner company and are covered by the CIFRE program


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