



Institut Carnot logo


I@L brings together 13 laboratories, a research centre and 1,000 researchers under the supervision of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS and ECAM LaSalle. Its mission is to promote and develop engineering sciences in three key areas:

  • Transport engineering
  • Energy engineering
  • Healthcare technology engineering

I@L aims to improve and increase the range of integrated engineering  services for companies in the transport, energy and healthcare technology sectors with the aim of streamlining and accelerating the transition from research results to innovation and technology transfer. The goal is to effectively and sustainably boost their regional, national and international economic competitiveness. There is a particular focus on SMEs and international development.


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  • ENSAM: ECAM LaSalle’s Laboratory of Materials and Processes Cluny ECAM Lasalle signed a partnership with Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) specifically for its Laboratory of Materials and Processes (Laboratoire Bourguignon des Matériaux et Procédés de Cluny–LaBoMaP) to pursue thesis and master research collaboration in the field of materials.
  • INSA Lyon : This partnership paves the way for research collaboration between the ECAM Energy Laboratory and several INSA laboratories.



Many industrial companies partner with us in our research work, notably through CIFRE thesis grant agreements. These include EDF, Schneider-Electric, PSA Peugeot-Citroen, TOTAL, CETIM, Hispano-Suiza, Messier-Bugatti, Flender-Graffenstaden, TIMKEN, SANOFI, BMI, Thermi-Lyon, Alliance and Lypsis.





Manutech logo

LabECAM is a member of MANUTECH, a consortium of companies, research laboratories associated with higher education institutions and competitiveness clusters located in Saint-Etienne and Lyon. MANUTECH aims to create, develop and operate a tool capable of producing and characterising multiscale model surfaces at high speed. Learn more




Ingelys logo

Ingé’LySE, the only centre of its kind in France, opened on 20 October 2016 with the key mission of structuring fundamental and cross-disciplinary research that supports major technological, economic and societal issues. The federation brings together more than 2,000 people from 23 engineering science research laboratories in Lyon and Saint-Etienne, including ECAM LaSalle’s research centre, LabECAM.




Consortium Industrie Recherche sur les Transmissions de puissance (CIRTrans)


The CIRTRANS research network (Consortium Industrie – Recherche sur les TRANSmissions de puissance) is a centre of expertise in the scientific, technical and industrial fields of mechanical power transmissions.

CIRTRANS aims to bring together stakeholders in France pursuing research and design activities in the field of mechanical power transmissions. The aim is to work together through coordinated research projects addressing concrete problems faced by industrial partners.

Cirtrans logo


The CIRTrans consortium brings together the following businesses and institutions:


Business partners :

  • GIMA
  • REEL


Institutional partners :

  • ECAM LaSalle (LabECAM)
  • INSA Lyon(LaMCoS)


The CIRTRANS consortium has taken shape over the years thanks to the knowledge network that has been built around a gear specialization. Its mission is to develop long-lasting expertise by bringing together people and resources around one common goal: power transmission.

The consortium allows business partners to develop together by pooling resources while still benefitting from the research potential of the associate schools and laboratories. Companies are also able to develop their skills and knowledge through research projects, or even come together on shared methods and tools.

The project that started 2 years ago, allows teams to reimagine the necessary developments to create tomorrow’s transmissions. The first project include 2 research dissertations that cover epicyclic gearing thermodynamics and sound reduction. At the same time, a project to standardize calculating and method development tools is being studied.


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ECAM LaSalle also plays an active role in competitiveness clusters seeking to boost their research programmes:

  • Lyon Urban Truck & Bus 2015 (LUTB): the only cluster in Europe focused on the major environmental, societal and economic challenges of urban passenger and goods transport systems. The LUTB cluster develops dynamics of innovation by bringing together industry, research and education stakeholders while promoting the pooling of skills, knowledge and equipment.
  • Plastipolis is the only French competitiveness cluster for plastics processing. It brings together the industry stakeholders in the Franche-Comté and Rhône-Alpes regions, which are home to 30% of France’s plastics industry.
  • ViaMéca is a competitiveness cluster created in 2005 in the Massif Central and the Rhône-Alpes region to develop the mechanical sector.
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Research areas
Research chairs