

ECAM LaSalle has been a long-standing center of engineering resources for industry. True to its history, the School has developed its applied research activities to reach two goals: responding to industrial issues and supporting socio-economic development. These activities were solidified by the creation of the LabECAM research center.

In coordination with ECAM LaSalle’s general engineering education, LabECAM coordinates with all teaching departments. It is made up of researchers from different scientific domains: mechanics, materials science, energy engineering, electrics, and automation. Thanks to its small size and the background of its researches, LabECAM privileges transversal research subjects.

LabECAM opened within the Université de Lyon. As a member of the Institut Carnot “Ingénierie@Lyon”, it plays an active role in facilitating SME access to numerous opportunities in research technology and innovation. LabECAM is also one of the research sites of the doctoral school MEGA de Lyon and is part of the engineering federation IngéLySE.
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Research chairs
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Doctoral research program
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