
ECAM Arts et Métiers – General Engineering

In brief
  • Degree : Five-Year Degree Program | Master’s Degree
  • Program Structure: Full-time
  • Back-to-school: September
  • Language: French


Accredited by the CTI (French Engineering Degree Commission), the ECAM Arts et Métiers’ program offers solid bases for cross-curricular scientific and technical skills and addresses ethics and international perspectives. The program lasts 5 years with the first two years in preparatory classes and the final three years in engineering classes. The employability rate of ECAM Arts et Métiers graduates is high compared to other French school and internships, international mobility, and special programs, provide additionnal personal experiences fitting their interests and professional projects. 
This program has received the label “ECAM Arts et Métiers” which guaranty that ECAM LaSalle in continuous improving its contents. The Bureau Veritas verifies the label and proves that the program’s exigency as well as the School’s commitment are working with students towards their success. 
The “Titre d’ingénieur’ is a nationally recognised degree equivalent to a Master’s degree and entitles the holder to pursue doctoral studies. 
The ECAM Arts et Métiers’s Master in Engineering received the EUR-ACE ® (EURopean-ACcredited Engineer) Label, certifying this degree does fully meet the engineering professional requirements.

Students with disabilities can benefit from personalized services and teaching accommodations. More information.

The advantages

Design and develop products or capital goods that include interactive software

Projects in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, energy engineering and industrial engineering on the latest generation equipment.

Implement and develop industrial management methods in order to improve performance

Analysis and problem solving, data interpretation, use of computer tools, analysis and design of complex systems, experimentation.

Use scientific and technical knowledge to manage projects

Scientific and technical knowledge associated with the acquisition of project management methods.

Participate in the management and administration of companies and public bodies

All the fundamentals needed to manage a company: management, experience in the field, business games, human resources.

Implement skills in international company or organisation

The practice of English and work experience in international companies, acquired during compulsory long internships abroad.


In-depth courses, international mobility, double degrees, research… Each student-engineer benefits from personalised support to develop their training program and establish their career goal in addition to the general common core courses.

From the first day, students learn not only to be engineers, but to be active participants in the society. A preparatory program makes up the first two years of the Arts et Métiers general program and allows students to be admitted into the core engineering program based on continual assessment.

Discover the syllabus



Sciences fill up the majority of classes, but humanities, languages, and communication are heavily present throughout the program.

The workload is heavy. Students progressively learn to organize themselves, plan projects over an extended period of time, and use logic and reasoning.

Students will not get lost in huge lecture halls as all classes are given in small groups like what they are used to in high school. Each subject area has one professor, and students benefit from personalized assistance and proximity of available faculty members for better understanding.


Students who wish to pursue an international component of their career can increase the number of months studying abroad to reach nearly 20 months:

  • Implementation at the end of third year,
  • Semester or year studying at a partner university during the fourth year (minimum requirement of one academic semester)
  • Double degree at a partner university during fifth year
  • And/or five-month engineering internship during the last year.

All internships can be completed in France or abroad. A dedicated service assists students in their search for companies and guides them in navigating the network of active ECAM engineers.

The double degrees offered in different countries allow students to further explore certain technical fields for a special focus on Mechanics, Aeronautics, Automotive, Materials, Energy.




In France and abroad, ECAM Arts et Métiers engineers hold a wide range of positions in companies of all sizes.
They are trained in three complementary fields: mechanical engineering (mechanics, energy, materials) electrical engineering (electricity, electronics, electronic engineering, automation, IT) and industrial engineering (production organisation, quality, maintenance, logistics, project management, management), and manage teams and projects in many sectors of the future, particularly energy, transport, vehicle and equipment manufacturing.

Examples of careers:

– Industrial design engineer
– Industrial systems engineer
– Computer systems engineer
– Information systems security manager
– Industrial methods and organisation engineer
– Industrial tooling methods manager
– Management engineering consultant
– Corporate organisation manager
– Production management engineer
– Renewable energy fleet manager
– Fluids manager


Engineering Classes (Years 3, 4, and 5): tuition fees amount to €8,850 (for scholarship holders: 10% per scholarship step). 

The ECAM Arts et Métiers program is recognized by the French government and students may apply for scholarships.


The ECAM Arts et Métiers is a 5-year engineering course. Admissions are possible in Years 1 and 3.

Applicant profile: 

  • Year 1: Have a French Scientific baccalaureate or any other High-school leaving degree with scientific focus
  • Year 3: You have successfully completed 2 years of studies of a technical degree: engineering, physics or mathematics (120 ECTS credits)
  • You do not have more than one year of interruption in your studies
  • A minimum B2 proficiency level in French is mandatory


International students are welcome to contact the admissions office at