
Bachelor in Cybersecurity of Industrial and Urban Systems

Professional immersion
In brief
  • Access : Post-secondary school or new direction after completing 1-2 years of higher education
  • Institution Diploma : 3-year
  • Program Structure: Initial training
  • Back-to-school : September
  • Language : French


The integration of new digital technologies in industrial and urban environments has significantly affected their systems and processes.

Companies are now vulnerable to cyber attacks that can threaten the very core of their production or regulatory systems. Improving risk and threat visibility for industrial and urban systems is now essential to ensuring continuity of service.

Industrial Cybersecurity” has therefore become a key component of digital professions to guarantee the security and integrity of manufacturing lines.

The Bachelor’s institution diploma in Cybersecurity of Industrial and Urban Systems was developed to prepare students to become automation engineers capable of anticipating cyber threats and responding to attacks on industrial and urban systems.

School diploma in the process of being accredited by France Compétence (RNCP title)



The programme teaches the foundations of managing and controlling industrial and urban systems and cyber risks and provides an international outlook. The three-year programme begins with two years as a traditional student and a long internship in the final year.

Students benefit from an active and professional educational approach. Faculty members include speakers from the socio-professional and academic world who work directly with cybersecurity experts.


Educational methods

The educational methods are action-oriented, using group projects and problem-based learning activities to put students at the centre of the programme and help them develop cross-disciplinary skills through case studies.

Professional immersion

During the third-year work-study programme students initially spend one week per month at a company and progress to full immersion by the end of the year. This allows students to seamlessly transition from the school setting to the professional world through training that is perfectly suited to the company’s current and future needs.


The Bachelor programme is mainly intended for students who have completed general, technological or scientific secondary studies, but it is also open to those pursuing a new direction after completing one or two years of higher education.


Post-secondary school or reorientation after 1-2 years of higher education :

  • Registration via the Parcoursup platform under the ECAM / ECAM LaSalle section
  • Admission proposal via Parcoursup starting in May 2025


Parallel admissions: after 2 years of higher education

  • Application and admission interview

As of the start of the 2025 academic year, tuition fees for the Bachelor are as follows:

  • €4,900/year