
ECAM ALUMNI: The power of network

The ECAM Alumni association, created in 1906, aims to create a lasting community inspired by the founding values of LaSalle that are taught at our schools.



ECAM Alumni now forms a community of 9,400 graduates, 70% of whom currently work as professionals at more than 1,700 companies. Choosing ECAM LaSalle means joining an active and supportive network that is proud to share the “ECAM spirit” with the world.

Our alumni ambassadors work daily to lead the network and ensure that it continues to grow and meet your needs, since no one is better suited to speak on our behalf than our alumni themselves. ECAM Alumni is much more than an association, it is a committed team that is always here to support you!

Our missions, pursued in close partnership with Fondation ECAM LaSalle, are simple:

  • Embody the founding values of LaSalle;
  • Promote Fondation ECAM LaSalle and its activities;
  • Unite and lead the ECAM alumni community while welcoming new members.

The ECAM engineer association not only provides the opportunity to exchange with all of the school’s graduates—it also allows you to take advantage of true expertise by developing your alumni network.


More than a simple association, ECAM Alumni is dedicated to creating unity and promoting your success.


ECAM Alumni


ECAM Alumni is above all about connecting you with your community.

ECAM Alumni : Tél : +33 (0) / mail :

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formation ecam lasalle
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Pedagogical model