Portes ouvertes

Publications et thèses à ECAM LaSalle


  • Thèse de Fabrice Lion sur la fabrication additive d’aciers hautes performances pour une production durable (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec CT-IPC + allocation Carnot)
  • Thèse de Sanjiv Kumar sur la surveillance et l’état de santé des convertisseurs MVDC (Medium Voltage Direct Current), étude du vieillissement des composants (thèse financée par le PEPR TASE avec le laboratoire AMPERE et l’IREENA)
  • Thèse d’Adrien Lenoir sur la conception proactive pour le désassemblage, la soutenabilité et la circularité (thèse financée par une chaire industrielle signée avec PTC)
  • Thèse de Yi Miao Tu sur l’intégration d’indicateurs de soutenabilité et de performances environnementales dans les systèmes de gestion du cycle de vie des produits (thèse financée par une chaire industrielle signée avec PTC)
  • Thèse d’Antonin Monot sur la maintenance prédictive d’un motoréducteur via l’analyse conjointe de signaux électriques et de mesures de température. Thèse sous convention CIFRE avec REEL (dans le cadre du CIRTrans) et co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon.
  • Thèse de Gaël Spaggiari sur la maintenance prédictive d’une transmission électrique via l’analyse conjointe de signaux mécaniques, électriques et thermiques reposant sur l’exploitation d’un jumeau numérique multi-physique. Thèse sous convention CIFRE avec VOLVO Renault Trucks et co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon
  • Thèse de Marie Winger sur l’étude des pertes engendrées par la mise en mouvement des fluides (air et/ou huile) par les composants mobiles d’un train planétaire lubrifié par injection. Thèse sous convention CIFRE avec SAFRAN Transmission Systems (dans le cadre de la Chaire IMTA) et co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon
  • Thèse de Wassim Ramdane sur l’optimisation multicritère d’un réducteur spiro-conique couplé à un train planétaire (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec REDEX)  co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon.
  • Thèse de Matthieu Cordier sur le comportement thermique des engrenages et des roulements en conditions normales et marginales de lubrification (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec Safran Helicopter Engines) co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon.
  • Thèse de Thibaut Torres sur la caractérisation des pertes et des transferts thermiques associés aux conditions de lubrification d’engrenages (thèse qui fait partie du projet collaboratif MUSCAT [Mécanique des flUides – Simulation de la lubrifiCAtion des Transmissions] qui est financé par la Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile dans le cadre du plan d’investissement d’avenir « France 2030 »). Même si cette thèse n’est pas sous convention CIFRE, elle est liée à un projet collaboratif qui implique divers partenaires industriels : Safran Transmission Systems, Safran Tech (centre de recherche du groupe SAFRAN) et la PME GDTech. Co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon.
  • Thèse de Razan Issa sur le télédiagnostic des chaines de traction asynchrones (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec la SNCF). Co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le Labo Ampère de l’INSA Lyon.
  • Thèse de Hugo Bergère sur la compréhension des composés Carbone/Carbone : contribution tribologique et thermique sur le frottement et l’usure (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec Safran Landing Systems). Co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon
Thèses soutenues depuis 2010
  • Thèse de Jordan Lacorne sur la fabrication additive de pièces métalliques par impression 3D de filaments : étude de l’interaction matériaux/procédés/propriétés (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec Nanoe), 2024
  • Thèse de Zineb Mrabbaj sur le développement d’un outil d’ordonnancement structurant et apprenant pour l’organisation globale d’une unité de production (thèse sous convention CIFRE avec Manitowoc), 2024
  • Thèse de Lionel Darul sur l’influence de la modélisation thermomécanique des roulements sur l’étude du comportement thermique des pompes à vide. Thèse sous convention CIFRE avec Pfeiffer Vacuum et co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon, 2024
  • Thèse de Florian de Cadier de Veauce sur l’étude des pertes par traînée et des transferts thermiques au sein de paliers à éléments roulants. Thèse sous convention CIFRE avec le CETIM (dans le cadre du laboratoire commun TRANSMECA) et co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon, 2024
  • Thèse de Lucas Fourel sur la modélisation à l’échelle du grain de l’initiation de fissure en fatigue de contact. Thèse sous convention INSA Lyon et co-encadrée par le LabECAM et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon, 2023
  • Thèse de Morgan SOUETRE sur la Simulation numérique de la fonderie d’aciers, visant à déterminer et optimiser des paramètres de calage pour les aciers faiblement alliés coulés en moule sable à vert. Thèse sous allocation ECAM via un contrat avec Safe Metal et co-encadrée par le LabECAM ECAM LaSalle, ARTS (LaBoMaP – Cluny) et SMI, 2023
  • Thèse de Nicolas GRENET DE BECHILLON sur l’Etude des risques de grippage sur des transmissions aéronautiques à engrenages. Thèse sous convention CIFRE avec SAFRAN TS et co-encadrée par le LabECAM d’ECAM LaSalle et le LaMCoS de l’INSA Lyon, 2023
  • Thèse de Alexandre KIRCHER : Estimation résiliente dans des systèmes de grandes dimensions, 2021
  • Thèse de Pierre BROSSIER : Modélisation du comportement thermique des roulements dans les boites de transmissions d’hélicoptères, 2020
  • Thèse de Romain QUIBAN : Modélisation des pertes des éléments en rotation par interaction avec les lubrifiants dans les boites de transmissions d’hélicoptères, 2020
  • Thèse de Guillaume VOUAILLAT : Effet des matériaux à gradient de propriétés sur la fatigue de contact, 2020
  • Thèse de Jean-Baptiste BONI : Modélisation thermique d’un train épicycloïdal lubrifié par barbotage, 2020
  • Thèse de Etienne BOSSY : Influence des caractéristiques de microstructures nitrurées sur l’initiation d’écaillage en surface par fatigue de contact, 2019
  • Thèse de Laurent CARETTE : Etude des mécanismes de formation des carbures obtenus par cémentation basse pression d’un alliage de Tantale, 2019
  • Thèse de Thomas TOURET : Health Monitoring : impact d’un défaut de denture ou de palier sur une transmission aéronautique, 2019
  • Thèse de Cécile NICOLI : étude et optimisation de la solidification d’aciers faiblement alliés lors du process de fonderie par inoculation, 2019
  • Thèse de Dimitri NIEL : l’étude du comportement thermomécanique des paliers à roulements, 2019
  • Thèse d’Orlando CHIRINOS : la Dynamique des démarches d’amélioration – Maintien du cycle de la performance
  • Thèse de Grégoire ISAAC : l’étude des risques de grippage sur des transmissions aéronautiques à engrenages
  • Thèse de Charlotte FOSSIER : L’étude des paramètres de denture influents sur le rendement d’un engrenage conique et intégration dans un modèle global de pont de camion
  • Thèse de Sandrine LARUELLE : L’étude de la capacité thermique d’un moto-réducteur
  • Thèse de Marine MENUT : La modélisation du traitement endovasculaire des anévrismes de l’aorte thoracique, 2017
  • Thèse de Charly KONE : L’étude du comportement acoustique de hottes aspirantes, 2016
  • Thèse d’Adrien NEUROUTH : L’étude de la performance énergétique d’une transmission de puissance haute vitesse, 2016
  • Thèse de Jean-Philippe NOYEL : L’analyse de l’initiation de fissures et de l’endommagement en fatigue de contact : approche numérique par un modèle cohésif à l’échelle du grain, 2015
  • Thèse de Dominique COTTON : L’étude de la formation d’hémicarbure de Tantale par l’intermédiaire d’un procédé de cémentation sous pression réduite, 2015
  • Thèse de Jérôme DURAND de GEVIGNEY : Les pertes de puissance dans un réducteur épicycloïdal de forte puissance, 2013
  • Thèse de Tarek MARRAY : Élaboration de pièces carbonitrurées par la technologie du moulage par injection de poudres, 2012
  • Thèse d’Emeline FAUGERE : Optimisation d’un système de taxiage autonome – analyse du comportement thermique du réducteur de l’actionneur, 2012
  • Thèse d’Hubert MULIN : Étude de l’évolution chimique et microstructurale lors de la consolidation par frittage d’un alliage d’or 18 carats après mise en forme par injection de poudres métalliques, 2012
  • Thèse de Gauthier LEPRINCE : Les pertes mécaniques par frottement et  la lubrification dans une boite de vitesses, 2011
  • Thèse d’Hossein FALLAHSOHI : Modélisation dynamique des échangeurs diphasiques appliquée aux groupe frigorifiques contrôlés par une commande avancée, 2011
  • Thèse de François POULY : Modélisation thermo-mécanique d’un roulement à billes grande vitesse, 2010


  1. DARUL L., TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: « Power loss analysis of an oil-jet lubricated angular contact ball bearing: theoretical and experimental investigations”. Lubricants, vol. 12, issue 1, 14, pp. 1-20.
  2. MAJDOUB F., BELIN M., PERRET-LIAUDET J.: « Ultra-low friction in soft contact lenses: Analysis of dynamic free responses measured by the dynamic oscillating tribometer”. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 149, 106236, 9p.
  3. BEN YOUNES E., RIGAUD E., PERRET-LIAUDET J., BRUYERE J., CHANGENET C.: “Optimization of energy efficiency and NVH behaviour of a helical gear unit”. Mechanics & Industry, vol. 25, 1, 9p.
  4. BOUCHOT A., FERRIEUX A., DEBAYLE J., MOLLON G., DESCARTES S.: “Can machine learning predict friction from third body morphology?”. Tribology International, vol. 193, 109361, 13p.
  5. BONTEMPS A., MOUTOU PITTI R., FOURNELY E., GODI G., GRIL J.: « Multi-step creep tests of notched beams of silver fir (Abies alba) at different initial moisture contents”. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 425, 136026, 14p.
  6. MARCHESSE Y., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: “Computational fluid dynamics methodology to estimate the drag coefficient of balls in rolling element bearings”. Dynamics, vol. 4, pp. 303-321.
  7. AYADI B., HAJJAR A., IZADI M., EL IDI M.M., BEN SAID L., LAM Q.N.G, ALQURASHI F., MOHAMED M.H., ALI M.R., HENDY A.S.: « Investigation of natural convection heat transfer in various structures of a partitioned triple porous enclosure under permanent magnetic field”. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 60, 104579, 21p.
  8. ISSA R., CLERC G., HOLOGNE-CARPENTIER M., MICHAUD R., LORCA E., MAGNETTE C., MESSADI A.: « Review of Fault Diagnosis Methods for Induction Machines in Railway Traction Applications”. Energies, vol. 17, issue 11, 2728, 24p.
  9. MARCONNET B., GAHA R., ASSUAD C., MARTINSEN K., EYNARD B.: “Selecting sustainability indicators for smart product design based on Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies: Analysis and proposal of a methodological framework”. Proceedings of the Design Society, vol.4: DESIGN 2024, pp. 1369-1378
  10. ASSEKO ELLA M., BONTEMPS A., MOUTOU-PITTI R., GOLI G., IKOGOU S., FOURNELY E., GRIL J.: “Diffusion properties of Gabonese tropical hardwoods and European softwoods measured with low-tech equipment and by an inverse method”. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, vol. 360, pp. 65-76
  11. MONOT A., TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., GRANGEORGE T., FAYOLLE F.: “A method to develop a high-fidelity gearbox thermal model based on limited temperature measurements”. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, vol. 52, n°12, pp. 9809-9829
  12. NOYEL J.P., HAJJAR A., DEBASTIANI R., ANTOULY K., ATLI A.: « Impact of viscoelasticity on the stiffness of polymer nanocomposites: Insights from experimental and micromechanical model approaches”. Polymer, vol. 309, 127443, 12p.
  13. DIAB Y., TOURET T., VILLE F., CHANGENET C.: « Tooth friction in spur gear transmission. From local to mean tooth friction loss”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 238 (12), pp. 1583-1592
  14. De CADIER de VEAUCE F., MARCHESSE Y., TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., AMAR L., FOSSIER C.: « Power losses of oil-bath lubricated ball barings – a focus on churning losses”. Lubricants, vol. 12, issue 11, 362, 15p.
  15. WINGER M., MARCHESSE Y., TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., GEDIN P.: « Investigations on Spin Power Losses Generated in a Planetary Gear Set Using Thermal Network Method”. Lubricants, vol. 12, issue 11, 366, 16p.
  16. IZADI M., HAJJAR A., EL IDI M. M., LAM Q. N. G., ALQURASHI F., MOHAMED M. H.: “Effect of anisotropic porous structure on mixed permanent magnetic-convection heat transfer under permanent twin magnets”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 158, 107831, 18p.
  17. RUHOLLA K., IZADI M., ALTNJI S., MAJDOUB F., HAJJAR A., ALQURASHI F., MOHAMED M.H.: “All-around review on applying passive strategies to improve heat exchanger performance using inserts and turbulators applied in thermal storage”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 159, 108234, 37p.
  18. LEMAIRE E., ATLI A., CERTON D.: “Rochelle Salt Revisited for Eco-Designed Ultrasonic Transducers”. IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, vol. 4, pp. 171-176
  19. EL IDI M. M., HAJJAR A., ATLI A., BOUSSABA L., KRAIEM M., TANKARI M. A., KARKRI M.: “Metal foam-based Phase Change Materials (PCM)”. Advanced Materials-Based Thermally Enhanced Phase Change Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, Elsevier, chapter 6, pp. 131-192

  1. NAVET P., CAVORET J., VILLE F., CHANGENET C., GHRIBI D.: « Investigation on elliptical contact starvation for high slide-to-roll ratio: application to gears”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 66, n°1, pp. 1-7.
  2. FOSSIER C., TOURET T., LEFORT G., CHANGENET C.: « Thermal behavior in rolling bearing applications: Comparison of steel and ceramic materials applied to tapered rollers”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 237, issue 5, pp. 1085-1097.
  3. SHAFIEI A., HAJJAR A., GHASEMIASL R., ARMAGHANI T., RASHAD A., NABWEY H.A.: “Nanoparticles migration effects on enhancing cooling process of triangular electronic chips using novel E-shaped porous cavity”. Computational Particle Mechanics, vol.10, pp. 793-808.
  4. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., RAMEZANI S. R., HAJJAR A., EL KADRI M., ISLAM M. S., YOUNIS O., GHODRAT M.: “Phase change heat transfer in a vertical metal foam-phase change material thermal energy storage heat dissipator”. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 66, 107370, 21p.
  5. CHEAYB M., CHALMERS D., DE PAEPE W., HAJJAR A., PONCET S.: « A new approach based on off-design R-curve and thermal load duration curve for the design and optimization of bioresources driven cogeneration Rankine cycle: Application on industrial site in Nova Scotia, Canada”. Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 287, 117108, 23p.
  6. IZADI M., SHEREMET M., HAJJAR A., GALAL A. M., MAHARIQ I., JARAD F., BEN HAMIDA M. B.: “Numerical investigation of magneto-thermal-convection impact on phase change phenomenon of Nano-PCM within a hexagonal shaped thermal energy storage”. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 223, 119984, 14p.
  7. EL IDI M. M., KARKRI M., ABDOU TANKARI M.: « Passive Thermal Management Systems for e-mobility using PCM composites”. Handbook of Thermal Management Systems: e-Mobility and Other Energy Applications. Elsevier, chapitre 14, 71p.
  8. JACQUET P., VAUCHERET A., GRIMAUD G., GALLONE T.: « Eco-Innovation for Recycling/remanufacturing Electric Vehicle Engines”. Advances in Integrated Design and Production II. Lecture Notes in Mecanical Engineering, Springer, pp. 587-594.
  9. MAKKI L., LASPEYRES A., DESCAMPS A.S., WECKBRODT J., MANNAH M.A., BATARD C., GINOT N.: “Dielectric Material Significance on Common Mode Transient Immunity of a Shielded Pulse Planar Transformer”. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 993, Springer, pp. 167-177.
  10. IZADI M., ALSHURAIAAN B., HAJJAR A., SHEREMET M.A., BEN HAMIDA M. B.: “Free convection of nanofluids in a porous sensible heat storage unit: Combined effect of time periodic heating and external magnetic field”. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol.192, 108404, 14p.
  11. IZADI M., TAYEBI T., ALSHEHRI H. M., HAJJAR A., BEN HAMIDA M. B., GALAL A. M.: “Transient magneto-buoyant convection of a magnetizable nanofluid inside a circle sensible storage subjected to double time-dependent thermal sources”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 148, pp. 8511-8531.
  12. DARUL L., TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: « Power losses of oil-jet lubricated ball bearings with limited applied load: Part 1 – Theoretical analysis”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 66, n°5, pp. 801-808.
  13. De CADIER de VEAUCE F., DARUL L., MARCHESSE Y., TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., AMAR L., FOSSIER C.: « Power losses of oil-jet lubricated ball bearings with limited applied load: Part 2 – Experiments and model validation”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 66, n°5, pp. 822-831.
  14. RUZEK M., BRUN R., MARCHESSE Y., VILLE F., VELEX P.: « On the reduction of windage power losses in gears by the modification of tooth geometry”. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, vol. 87, pp. 1029-1036.
  15. RAMDANE W., CHANGENET C., SEGHIR-OUALI S., CHEVREL–FRAUX C., CASANOVA P.: « Transient thermal model of a planetary gear set based on a uniform temperature approach”. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, vol. 87, pp. 1117-1127.
  16. TORRES T., CHANGENET C., TOURET T., GUILBERT B.: “A new experimental methodology to study convective heat transfer in oil jet lubricated gear units”. Lubricants, vol.11, Issue9, 408, 17p.
  17. HOLOGNE-CARPENTIER M., ALLARD B., CLERC G., RAZIK H.: “Discussion on Classification Methods for Lifetime Evaluation of a Lab-Scale SiC MOSFET Power Module”. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 993, Springer, pp. 153-166.
  18. NGUYEN L.M.Q., ALSHURAIAAN B., HAJJAR A., IZADI M., EL IDI M.M.: “Assessment of the thermal resistance of novel roof structures incorporating nano-Phase Change Materials capsules under the influence of an external magnetic field”. Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 79, 107851, 22p.
  19. NGUYEN L.M.Q., ALSHURAIAAN B., HAJJAR A., IZADI M., EL IDI M.M.: “Controlling energy loss from roof structures equipped by round-corner double semi-hexagonal ferro- phase change material layer using magnetic field”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 428, 139335, 16p.

  1. BEN YOUNES E., CHANGENET C., BRUYERE J., RIGAUD E., PERRET-LIAUDET J.: “Multi-objective optimization of gear unit design to improve efficiency and transmission error”. Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol.167: 104499, 23p.
  2. XIONG Q., ALSHEHRI H.M., MONFAREDI R., TAYEBI T., MAJDOUB F., HAJJAR A., DELPISHEH M., IZADI M.: “Application of phase change material in improving trombe wall efficiency: An up-to-date and comprehensive overview”. Energy and Buildings, vol. 258: 111824, 27p.
  3. MARCHESSE Y., RUZEK M., VILLE F., VELEX P.: « On windage power loss reduction achieved by flanges”. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, vol. 86, pp. 389-394.
  4. COTTON D., JACQUET P., FAURE S., VIGNAL V.: « Ta2C precipitation after low pressure carburizing of tantalum”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 278: 125632, 9p.
  5. ALSABERY A.I., HAJJAR A., RAIZAH Z., GHALAMBAZ M., HASHIM I., CHAMKHA A.: “Energy transport of wavy non-homogeneous hybrid nanofluid cavity partially filled with porous LTNE layer”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol.208, part D: 109655, 15p.
  6. RASOLOFOARISOA A., MESSAOUDENE Z.: “Le risque normatif : contours et cause ». Marché & Organisation, Revue d’analyse stratégique, n°44, pp. 13-49.
  7. ATLI A., NOYEL J.P., HAJJAR A., ANTOULY K., LEMAIRE E., SIMON S.: « Exploring the mechanical performance of BaTiO3 filled HDPE nanocomposites: A comparative study of the experimental and numerical approaches”. Polymer, vol. 254: 125063, 12p.
  8. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., FEEOJ R.K., HAJJAR A., HASHIM I., BABAEI MAHANI R.: “Free convective heat transfer of a non-Newtonian fluid in a cavity containing a thin flexible heater plate: an Eulerian–Lagrangian approach”. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 147, pp. 1809-1824
  9. KIRCHER A., BAKO L., BLANCO E., BENALLOUCH M.: “An optimization framework for resilient batch estimation in cyber-physical systems”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67(10), pp. 5246-5261
  10. KHEDHER N.B., GHALAMBAZ M., ALGHAWLI A.S., HAJJAR A., SHEREMET M., MEHRYAN S.A.M.: “Study of tree-shaped optimized fins in a heat sink filled by solid-solid nanocomposite phase change material”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 136: 106195, 13p.
  11. RAZIK H., CARPENTIER M., ALLARD B., CLERC G., WANG T.: “Contribution to Health Monitoring of Silicon Carbide MOSFET”. Nonstationary Systems: Theory and Applications. Springer International Publishing, 2022, 428p. (pp. 307-329).
  12. GRENET – de BECHILLON N., TOURET T., CAVORET J., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., GHRIBI D.: « A new experimental methodology to assess gear scuffing initiation”. Tribology – Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 245-255
  13. GHALAMBAZ S., HAJJAR A., YOUNIS O., ALSABERY A., GHALAMBAZ M.: “A scientometrics investigation of magnetic nanofluids”. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 561: 169685, 15p.
  14. IZADI M., HAJJAR A., ALSHEHRI H. M., SHEREMET M., GALAL A. M.: “Charging process of a partially heated trapezoidal thermal energy storage filled by nano-enhanced PCM using controlable uniform magnetic field”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 138: 106349, 14p.
  15. IZADI M., HAJJAR A., ALSHEHRI H. M., SALEEM A., GALAL A. M.: “Analysis of applying fin for charging process of phase change material inside H-shaped thermal storage”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 139: 106421, 13p.

  1. NKOU BOUALA G.I., ETIEMBLE A., DASSONNEVILLE S., DER LOUGHIAN C., LANGLOIS C., PIERSON J.F., STEYER P.: « Structural and microstructural evolution of amorphous Zr-Cu-Ag thin-film alloys under thermal constraint: An in situ approach, Journal of Alloys and Compounds”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 851, 156908, 8p.
  2. EL GHOSSEIN N., SARI A., VENET P., GENIES S., AZAIS P.: « Post-Mortem Analysis of Lithium-Ion Capacitors after Accelerated Aging Tests”. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 33, 102039, 10p.
  3. TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., CAVORET J.: « Experimental investigations on the effect of micropitting on friction – Part 2: analysis of power losses evolution on a geared system”. Tribology International, vol. 153, 106551, pp. 1-9
  4. QUIBAN R., CHANGENET C., MARCHESSE Y., VILLE F.: « Experimental investigations about the power loss transition between churning and windage for spur gears”. ASME Journal of Tribology, vol.143 (2): 024501, 6p.
  5. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., HAJJAR A., YOUNIS O., SHEREMET M.A., POUR M.S., HULME-SMITH C.: “Phase-Transition Thermal Charging of a Channel-Shape Thermal Energy Storage Unit: Taguchi Optimization Approach and Copper Foam Inserts”. Molecules, vol. 26 (5), 1235, 23 p.
  6. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., HAJJAR A., FTEITI M.A., YOUNIS O., SARDARI P.T., YAICI W.: “Latent Heat Thermal Storage in Non-Uniform Metal Foam Filled with Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material”. Sustainability, vol. 13 (4), 2401, 25p.
  7. ATLI A., TROUILLET V., CADETE SANTOS AIRES F.J., EHRET E., LEMAIRE E., SIMON S.: « A generalized sample preparation method by incorporation of metal–organic compounds into polymers for electroless metallization”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 138, issue 17, 50276.
  8. BROSSIER P., NIEL D., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., BELMONTE J.: « Experimental and numerical investigations on rolling element bearing thermal behaviour”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 235, issue 4, pp.842-853.
  9. JACQUET P., VAUCHERET A., COUDERT J.B., MONDELIN A., CHOMER S.: “Traitements de cémentation/carbonitruration sous pression réduite d’un acier inoxydable martensitique ». Traitements & Matériaux, n°469, pp. 13-17.
  10. ALSABERY A.I., HAJJAR A., SHEREMET M.A., GHALAMBAZ M., HASHIM I.: “Impact of particles tracking model of nanofluid on forced convection heat transfer within a wavy horizontal channel”. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.122: 105176, 11p.
  11. XIONG Q., HAJJAR A., ALSHURAIAAN B., IZADI M., ALTNJI S., SHEHZAD S.A.: “State-of-the-art review of nanofluids in solar collectors: A review based on the type of the dispersed nanoparticles”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.310: 127528, 20p.
  12. BONI J.B., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: « Analysis of flow regimes and associated sources of dissipation in splash lubricated planetary gear sets”. ASME Journal of Tribology, vol.143 (11): 111805, 8p.
  13. QUIBAN R., GRENET N., TOURET T., NAVET P., DIAB Y., CAVORET J., VILLE F., CHANGENET C.: « On the interest of a semi-empirical model for the tooth friction coefficient in gear transmissions”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 235, issue 12, pp.2654-2663.
  14. CARPENTIER M., MOGNIOTTE J.F., LE M.Q., ALLARD B., CLERC G., COTTINET P.J.: “A multi-physics approach to condition monitoring of SiC power module”. Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 250: 111633, 8p.
  15. FOUREL L., NOYEL J.P., BOSSY E., KLEBER X., SAINSOT P., VILLE F.: “Towards a grain-scale modeling of crack initiation in rolling contact fatigue – Part 1: Shear stress considerations”. Tribology International, vol. 164: 107224, 11p.
  16. COFFIGNIEZ M., GREMILLARD L., PEREZ M., SIMON S., RIGOLLET C., BONJOUR E., JAME P., BOULNAT X.: « Modeling of interstitials diffusion during debinding/sintering of 3D printed metallic filaments: Application to titanium alloy and its embrittlement”. Acta Materialia, vol. 219: 117224, 13p.
  17. FOUREL L., NOYEL J.P., BOSSY E., KLEBER X., SAINSOT P., VILLE F.: “Towards a grain-scale modeling of crack initiation in rolling contact fatigue – Part 2: Persistent slip band modeling”. Tribology International, vol. 163: 107173, 9p.
  18. LEMAIRE E., THUAU D., DE VAULX J.B., VAISSIERE N., ATLI A.:  » Rochelle Salt-Based Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Composite Produced with Simple Additive Manufacturing Techniques”. Materials, vol. 14 (20): 6132, 11p.
  19. BEN YOUNES E.: « Optimisation durable et multicritères de dentures d’engrenages cylindriques »
  20. NAVET P.:« Etude d’une transmission par engrenages en conditions marginales de lubrification »

  1. TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., CAVORET J., ABOUSLEIMAN V.: « Experimental investigations on the effect of micropitting on friction – Part 1”. Tribology International, vol. 149, 105678, pp. 1-7
  2. QUIBAN R., CHANGENET C., MARCHESSE Y., VILLE F., BELMONTE J.: « Churning losses of spiral bevel gears at high rotational speed”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 234, issue 2, pp.172-182
  3. VAUDREY A., CUISANO J.: “Internal combustion engines water injection fed by Exhaust Water Recirculation (EWR): a feasibility analysis”. Automotive and Engine Technology, vol. 5, pp. 21-28
  4. TREVISAN L., BORDIGNON M.: “Screening Life Cycle Assessment to compare CO2 and Greenhouse Gases emissions of air, road, and rail transport: an exploratory study”. PROCEDIA CIRP, vol. 90, pp. 303-309
  5. HAJJAR A., MEHRYAN S.A.M., GHALAMBAZ M.: “Time periodic natural convection heat transfer in a nano-encapsulated phase-change suspension”. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 166, 105243, pp. 1-10
  6. MEHRYAN S.A.M., HEIDARSHENAS M. H., HAJJAR A., GHALAMBAZ M.: “Numerical study of melting-process of a non-Newtonian fluid inside a metal foam”. Alexandria Engineering Journal, vol. 59, Issue 1, pp. 191-207
  7. ALSABERY A.I., HASHIM I., HAJJAR A., GHALAMBAZ M., NADEEM S., SAFFARI POUR M.: “Entropy Generation and Natural Convection Flow of Hybrid Nanofluids in a Partially Divided Wavy Cavity Including Solid Blocks”. Energies, vol. 13 (11), 2942, pp. 1-25
  8. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., HAJJAR A., VEISMORADI A.: “Unsteady natural convection flow of a suspension comprising Nano-Encapsulated Phase Change Materials (NEPCMs) in a porous medium”. Advanced Powder Technology, vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 954-966
  9. MEHRYAN S.A.M., GHALAMBAZ M., GARGARI L.S., HAJJAR A., SHEREMET M.: “Natural convection flow of a suspension containing nano-encapsulated phase change particles in an eccentric annulus”. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 28, 101236, 12p.
  10. MEHRYAN S.A.M., GHALAMBAZ M., FEEOJ R.K., HAJJAR A., IZADI M.: “Free convection in a trapezoidal enclosure divided by a flexible partition”. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 149, 119186, 14p.
  11. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., ELSABERY A., HAJJAR A., IZADI M., CHAMKHA A.: “Controlling the natural convection flow through a flexible baffle in an L-shaped enclosure”. Meccanica, vol. 55, pp. 1561-1584
  12. OGAWA Y., HOSOI H., TSUZAKI K., REDARCE T., TAKAKUWA O., MATSUNAGA H.: “Hydrogen, as an alloying element, enables a greater strength-ductility balance in an Fe-Cr-Ni-based, stable austenitic stainless steel”. Acta Materialia, vol. 199, pp. 181-192
  13. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., TAHMASEBI A., HAJJAR A.: “Non-Newtonian phase-change heat transfer of nano-enhanced octadecane with mesoporous silica particles in a tilted enclosure using a deformed mesh technique”. Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 85, pp. 318-337
  14. NAVET P., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., GHRIBI D., CAVORET J.: « Thermal modeling of the FZG test rig: application to starved lubrication conditions”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 63, n°6, pp. 1135-1146
  15. EL GHOSSEIN N., SARI A., VENET P.: « Development of a capacitance versus voltage model for lithium-ion capacitors ». Batteries, vol. 6, issue 4: 6040054, 13p.
  16. HAJJAR A., JAMESAHAR E., SHIRIVAND H., GHALAMBAZ M., MAHANI R. B.: “Transient phase change heat transfer in a metal foam-phase change material heatsink subject to a pulse heat flux”. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 31, 101701, 17p.
  17. GHALAMBAZ M., MEHRYAN S.A.M., MASHOOFI N., HAJJAR A., CHAMKHA A., SHEREMET M., YOUNIS O.: “Free convective melting-solidification heat transfer of nano-encapsulated phase change particles suspensions inside a coaxial pipe”. Advanced Powder Technology, vol. 31, Issue 11, pp. 4470-4481

  1. NIEL D., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., OCTRUE M.: « Thermomecanical study of high speed rolling element bearing: a simplified approach”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 233, issue 4, pp. 541-552
  2. VAUDREY A.: “Thermodynamics of indirect water injection in internal combustion engines: Analysis of the fresh mixture cooling effect”. IMechE, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 20, issue 5, pp. 527-539
  3. CANDELIER K., ATLI A., ALTEYRAC J.: “Termite and decay resistance of bioplast-spruce green wood-plastic composites”. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, vol. 77, issue 1, pp. 157-169
  4. RUZEK M., VILLE F., VELEX P., BONI J.B., MARCHESSE Y.: « On windage losses in high-speed pinion-gear pairs”. Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 132, pp. 123-132
  5. NIEL D., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., OCTRUE M.: « A new test rig to study rolling element bearing thermomechanical behavior”. Power Transmission Engineering, vol. 13, n°3, pp. 50-55
  6. MARCHESSE Y., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: « Drag power loss investigation in cylindrical roller bearings using CFD approach”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 62, n°3, pp. 403-411
  7. CADIOU F., ETIEMBLE A., DOUILLARD T., WILLOT F., VALENTIN O., BADOT J.C., LESTRIEZ B., MAIRE E.: « Numerical Prediction of Multiscale Electronic Conductivity of Lithium-Ion Battery Positive Electrodes”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol.166, n°8, pp. 1692-1703
  8. CARETTE L., JACQUET P., COTTON D., VIGNAL V., FAURE S.: « TaC/Ta2C bilayer formed on carburized and annealed tantalum; development of a numerical growth model”. Applied Surface Science, vol. 467-468, pp. 84-88
  9. GOLABCZAK M., MAKSIM P., JACQUET P., GOLABCZAK A., WOZNIAK K., NOUVEAU C.: “Investigations of geometrical structure and morphology of samples made of hard machinable materials after Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) and vibro-abrasive finishing”. Material Science and Engineering Technology, vol. 50, issue 5, pp. 611-615
  10. ENGOZOGHO ANRIS S.P., BIKORO BI ATHOMO A., VIDAL M., DENAUD L., SAFOU TCHIAMA R., CHARRIER B.: “Extraction and Characterization of Aucoumea klaineana Pierre (Okoume) Extractives”. Journal of Renewable Materials, vol.7, n°6, pp. 517-522
  11. KONE C., MARCHESSE Y., PANNETON R.: « Numerical Approach for Possible Identification of the Noisiest Zones on the Surface of a Centrifugal Fan Blade”. Openfoam Selected Papers of the 11th Workshop, Springer International Edition, pp. 341-355.
  12. MESSAOUDENE Z.: “Lean thinking as a learning strategy at the service of global development”. Lean Engineering for Global Development, Springer International Publishing, 403p. (pp. 33-60)
  13. BESNARD A., ARDIGO M.R., IMHOFF L., JACQUET P.: “Curvature Radius Measurement by Optical Profiler and Determination of the Internal Stress”. Applied Surface Science, vol. 487, pp. 356-361
  14. NICOLI C., CARTON J.F., VAUCHERET A., JACQUET P.: « Caractérisation de la propreté inclusionnaire d’aciers de fonderie par analyse d’images en Microscopie Electronique à Balayage ». Metallurgical Research & Technology, vol. 116, n°5, 7p.
  15. BONI J.B., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: « A model for predicting churning losses in planetary gears”. Power Transmission Engineering, vol. 13, n°6, pp. 59-63
  16. RUZEK M., MARCHESSE Y., VILLE F., VELEX P.: “Windage power loss reductions in high-speed gear pairs”. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, vol. 83, Issue 3, pp. 387-392
  17. BOSSY E., NOYEL J.P., KLEBER X., VILLE F., SIDOROFF C., SIMON T.: “Competition between surface and subsurface rolling contact fatigue failures of nitrided parts: a Dang Van approach”. Tribology International, vol. 140, 105888, pp. 1-8
  18. VOUAILLAT G., NOYEL J.P., VILLE F., KLEBER X., RATHERY S.: “From Hertzian contact to spur gears: analyses of stresses and rolling contact fatigue”. Mechanics & Industry, vol. 20, n°6, 16p.

  1. BENALLOUCH M., OUTBIB R., BOUTAYEB M., LAROCHE E.: “Robust Observers for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Using PEM Fuel Cells as a Simulated Case Study”. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 26, n°1, pp. 291-298
  2. TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., LALMI M., BECQUERELLE S.: « On the use of temperature for online condition monitoring of geared systems – A review”. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol.101, pp.197-210
  3. LANZETTA F., VAUDREY A., BAUCOUR P.: « A new method to optimise finite dimensions thermodynamic models: application to an irreversible Strirling engine”. International Journal of Ambient Energy, vol.39, issue 4, pp.392-405
  4. LEMAIRE E., AYELA C., ATLI A.: « Eco-friendly materials for large area Piezoelectronics: self-oriented Rochelle salt in wood”. Smart Materials and Structures, vol.27 (2), 15p.
  5. FOSSIER C., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., BARDAY D., BERIER V.: « Investigations on drive axle thermal behaviour: power loss and heat transfer estimations”. SAE International Journal of Engines, vol.11 (1), 12p.
  6. MENUT M., BOUSSEL L., ESCRIVA X., BOU-SAID B., WALTER-LE-BERRE H., MARCHESSE Y., MILLON A., DELLA-SCHIAVA N., LERMUSIAUX P., TICHY J.: « Comparison between a generalized Newtonian model and a network-type multiscale model for hemodynamic behavior in the aortic arch: Validation with 4D MRI data for a case study”. Journal of Biomechanics, vol.73, pp.119-126
  7. GOLABCZAK M., SWIECIK, GOLABCZAK A., NOUVEAU C., JACQUET P., BLANC C.: « Investigations of surface layer temperature and morphology of hard machinable materials used in aircraft industry during abrasive electrodischarge grinding (AEDG) process”. Materials Science & Engineering Technology, vol. 49, Issue 5, pp. 568-576
  8. NGUYEN T.P., LEMAIRE E., EUPHRASIE S., THIERY L., TEYSSIEUX D., BRIAND D., VAIRAC P.: « Microfabricated high temperature sensing platform dedicated to scanning thermal microscopy (SThM)”. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 275, pp. 109-118
  9. ATLI A., CANDELIER K., ALTEYRAC J.: “Mechanical, thermal and biodegradable properties of bioplast-spruce green wood polymer composites”. International Journal of Chemical, Molecular, Nuclear, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, vol. 12, n°5, pp. 231-243
  10. ISAAC G., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., CAVORET J., BECQUERELLE S.: « Thermal analysis of twin-disc machine for traction tests and scuffing experiments”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol. 232, issue 12, pp. 1548-1560
  11. MESSAOUDENE Z.: “Paradoxes and organizational learning in continuous improvement approaches: using the TRIZ principles for developing problem solving performance in a Michelin plant”. Automated Invention for Smart Industries, Springer International Publishing, pp. 40-51

  1. ATLI A., SIMON S., CADETE SANTOS AIRES F.J. CARDENAS L., EHRET E., LOURDIN P.: « A new strategy to activate liquid crystal polymer samples for electroless copper deposition ». Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol. 134, Issue 1: 44397, 12p.
  2. NEUROUTH A., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., OCTRUE M.: « Influence of rolling element bearing modeling on the predicted thermal behavior of the FZG test rig”. Tribology Transactions, vol.60, Issue 4, pp. 753-761
  3. COTTON D., JACQUET P., FAURE S., VIGNAL V.: « Epitaxial growth of tantalum carbides by lowcarbon flow carburizing”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol.192, pp. 170-180
  4. MESSAOUDENE Z., CHIRINOS-COLMENARES O., DUC F.: « La pérennisation des démarches d’amélioration continue ». JITEC, N°204, pp. I-VIII
  5. MESSAOUDENE Z.: « Application of Lean education in ECAM Lyon for development lean management training”. Lean education: an overview of current issues, Springer International Publishing, pp. 85-98
  6. NEUROUTH A., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., OCTRUE M., TINGUY E.: “Experimental investigations to use splash lubrication for high-speed gears”. ASME Journal of Tribology, vol.139 (6), 061104, 7p.
  7. LARUELLE S., FOSSIER C., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., KOECHLIN S.: « Experimental investigations and analysis on churning losses of splash lubricated spiral bevel gears”. Mechanics & Industry, vol.18 (4), 412, 10p.
  8. KONE T.C., MARCHESSE Y., PANNETON R.: « A Numerical Approach to Possible Identification of the Noisiest Zones of a Wall Surface with a Flow Interaction”. Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, vol.7 (4), pp. 525-545
  9. BONI J.B., NEUROUTH A., CHANGENET C., VILLE F.: “Experimental investigations on churning power losses generated in a planetary gear set”. Bulletin of the JSME, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, vol.11, n°6, 12p.
  10. VAUCHERET A., NICOLI C., CARTON J.F., JACQUET P.: « Influence of Process Parameters on Ceroxide Formation in Low-Carbon Steels ». Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, vol.1, n°4, pp.90-96
  11. NICOLI C., VAUCHERET A., CARTON J.F., JACQUET P.: « Relationship between inclusion population and deoxidation process in low carbon steels”. Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, vol.1, n°

  1. VOELTZEL N., MARCHESSE Y., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., VELEX P.: « On the influence of helix angle and face width on gear windage losses”. Proc. IMechE, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol.230, No. 7-8, pp. 1101-1112
  2. CHANGENET C., VILLE F., VELEX P.: « Thermal behavior of a high-speed gear unit”. Gear Technology, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 38-41
  3. BENALLOUCH M., CHANGENET C., CHARVET J.N., VAUDREY A., SICARD F.: “Pompes à chaleur – Les apports de la commande prédictive ». Revue Générale du Froid & du conditionnement d’air, n°1156, pp. 16-22
  4. NOYEL J.P., VILLE F., JACQUET P., GRAVOUIL A., CHANGENET C.: « Development of a granular cohesive model for rolling contact fatigue analysis: crystal anisotropy modeling”. Tribology Transactions, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 469-479
  5. SIAD A., BESNARD A., NOUVEAU C., JACQUET P.: « Critical angles in DC magnetron glad thin films ». Vacuum, vol. 131, pp. 305-311
Avant 2016

    “Investigations on CFD simulations for predicting windage power losses in spur gears”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design vol.133 (2), 2011, pp. 024501-1/024501-7.
    “Influence of aerated lubricants on gear churning losses – an engineering model”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 54 (6), 2011, pp. 929-938.
    “A note on flow regimes and churning loss modeling”. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, vol.133 (12), 2011, pp. 121009-1/121009-
    VELEX P.:
    “Thermal modelling of a back-to-back gearbox test machine: Application to the FZG test rig”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol.226 (6), 2012, pp. 501-515.
  5. MATTERA J.P., GLISES R., BAUCOUR P., VAUDREY A., VERSCHELDE S., CHAMAGNE D.: “Electrothermal modelling of the railroads catenaries”. IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, vol. 2 (3), 2012, pp.110-118.
    “Powder injection moulding PIM of feedstock based on hydrosoluble binder and submicronic powder to manufacture parts having micro-details”. Powder Technology vol.208 (2), 2011, pp. 472-479.
    “How different steel grades react to a salt bath nitrocarburizing and post-oxidation process: influence of alloying elements”. Surface&Coatings Technology vol.205 (16), 2011, pp. 4064-4067.
  8. MOINARD D.:
    “Le procédé PIM : une combinaison innovante entre métallurgie des poudres et injection plastique”. Traitements & Matériaux, n°412, 2011, pp. 26-31.
    “Amélioration de la durée de vie d’outils de coupe pour l’usinage du bois à l’aide de la nitruration”. Traitements & Matériaux, n°412, 2011, pp. 44-48.
    “Contribution to the development of 18 carat gold alloy shaped by MIM”. Powder Injection Moulding International vol.5 (2), 2011, pp. 66-70.
    “Decrease of compound layer thickness obtained in plasma nitriding of alloyed steels by diffusion stage”. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 1 (7A), 2011, pp. 974-980.
  12. GOLABCZAK M., PAWLAK W., SZYMANSKI W., JACQUET P., FLITI R.: “Properties of PVD coatings manufactured on X38CrMoV5-1 steel for plastic moulding applications”. Non-conventional machining processes, Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 12 (2), 2012, pp. 37-45.
    “Thickness evaluation of the carbon coatings manufactured on magnesium alloys using optical profiler”. Non-conventional machining processes, Journal of Machine Engineering, vol. 12 (2), 2012, pp. 29-36.
    “Experimental characterizations of non-seizing solutions for plastic moulding tools”. Applied Surface Science, vol. 261, 2012, pp. 824-829.
    “Tribological investigations of TiC+a-C:H coatings manufactured on X38CrMoV5-1 steel using PVD technology”. Defect and Diffusion Forum, vol.334-335, 2013, pp. 97-104.
    “Low friction MoS2TiW coatings manufactured on X38CrMoV5-1 steel using PVD method”. Materialwissenschaft und Werktofftechnik, vol.44 (5), 2013, pp. 395-402.
    “Determination of carbon and nitrogen profile after a low pressure carbonitriding treatment”. Polish ceramic bulletin, vol.115, 2013, pp. 287-294.
    “Cellular automata for modelling growth of the carbon-like layers with using ideas of surface thermodynamics”. Wulfenia journal, vol.20, n°3, 2013, pp. 2
    « A study of the wear performance of duplex treated commercial low-alloy steel against alumina and WC balls”. Surface and Coatings Technology, vol.259, Part C, 2014, pp. 483-494.
    « A thermodynamic and experimental study of low-alloy steels after carbonitriding in a low-pressure atmosphere”. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, vol.56, Issue 7-8, 2014, pp. 434-439.
    « Modèle mésoscopique de la durée de vie en régime de fatigue de contact de roulement ». Annales de Chimie – Science des Matériaux, vol. 39, no. 3-4, 2015, pp. 193-200.
    « Etude d’un traitement duplex sur le comportement tribologique ». Annales de Chimie – Science des Matériaux, vol. 39, no. 3-4, 2015, pp. 201-208.
    « Development of a granular cohesive model for rolling contact fatigue analysis: crystal anisotropy modeling”. Tribology Transactions, vol. 59, no. 3, 2016, pp. 469-479.
  24. SIAD A., BESNARD A., NOUVEAU C., JACQUET P.: « Critical angles in DC magnetron glad thin films« .Vacuum, vol. 131, 2016, pp. 305-31
    “Detailed analysis of an endoreversible fuel cell: maximum power and optimal operating temperature determination”. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 3 (3), 2012, 033001-8p.
    “Experimental investigation of the effect of channel length on performance and water accumulation in a PEMFC parallel flow field”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 37 (22), 2012, pp. 17172-17179.
    “Investigations on oil flow rates projected on the casing walls by splashed lubricated gears”. Advances in Tribology, vol. 2012, article ID 365414, 2012, 7p.
    “A windage power loss model based on CFD study about volumetric flow rate expelled by spur gears”. Mechanics & Industry, vol.13 (5), 2012, pp. 317-323.
  29. REGUILLET V., VAUDREY A., MOUTIN S., MONTAUT A., FRANCOIS X., BAUCOUR P., GLISES R.: “Definition of efficiency criteria for a fuel cell humidifier: application to a low power proton exchange membrane fuel cell system for negative surrounding temperatures”. Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.58, 2013, pp. 382-393.
    “Tooth friction losses in internal gear: analytical formulation and application to planetary gears”. IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol.227 (5), 2013, pp. 476-485.
    “Application and validation of a simplified numerical approach for the estimation of windage power losses in spur gears”. Computers & Fluids, vol.84, 2013, pp. 39-45.
    « Numerical investigations on drag coefficient of balls in rolling element bearing ». Tribology Transactions, vol.57 (5), 2014, pp. 778-785.
    « Thermal modeling of a grease lubricated thrust ball bearing ». IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, vol.228 (11), 2014, pp. 1266-1275.
    « H.B. Reitlinger and the origins of the efficiency at maximum power formula for heat engines”. Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, vol.39, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 199-203.
    “Is splash lubrication compatible with efficient gear units for high-speed applications?”. Power Transmission Engineering, vol. 9, no. 7, 2015, pp. 48-52.
  36. TOURET T., CHANGENET C., VILLE F., CAVORET J., ABOUSLEIMAN V. : « Experimental investigations on the effect of micropitting on friction – Part 1 ». Tribology International.
  37. QUIBAN R., CHANGENET C., MARCHESSE Y., VILLE F., BELMONTE J. : « Churning losses of spiral bevel gears at high rotational speed ». IMechE, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology.
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